MBI Modal Sdn Bhd – Terengganu, Petronas Signs New Investment Agreement

Terengganu’s Chief Minister Datuk Seri Dr. Ahmad Samsuri Mokhtar announced that MBI Modal, a subsidiary of the Terengganu government, will be developing a mini hydropower project in Sungai La, Besut, in partnership with HeiTech Padu Bhd and Inter Global Hydro Sdn Bhd under the special-purpose company Domainedge Sdn Bhd.

The project has a capacity of 2.85 MW of energy and will serve as a critical renewable energy source for the local population, especially in remote rural areas. It will provide job opportunities for the locals and benefit Terengganu’s natural resources.

HeiTech President and Executive Deputy Chairman Datuk Sri Mohd Hilmey Mohd Taib expressed his excitement for the opportunity and trust given by the Terengganu government to contribute to the socio-economic development of the state.

The project will put HeiTech on the path to becoming a mini-independent power provider and is expected to be completed in the third quarter of 2024. This project is part of HeiTech’s efforts to diversify its business and explore new opportunities in the renewable energy sector, as they aim to become a comprehensive technology provider company.